Hierarchy Of Truffles: Not All Truffles Are Created Equal

Moving down the hierarchy, Darian explains, “As we start to move down the list and we look at brumale truffles, it’s quite easy to…confuse” them with black Perigords. “A brumale truffle will have a little bit more of a chemically kind of flavour…it almost reminds me a little bit of kerosene, and the veins inside the flesh are a thinner, finer type of vein.”

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Truffle Hill Team

With years of collective expertise in truffle cultivation and a deep connection to the land, the Truffle Hill Team is dedicated to producing Australia's finest Black Périgord truffles. Our mission is to offer insights and stories that enlighten and inspire, from intricate farming techniques to the art of truffle harvesting. We cater to enthusiasts, chefs, and anyone curious about the world of truffles. When not tending to our truffles, we're exploring new methods and ideas to bring the unique essence of our truffles to your table.

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